Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Decision Time

I received a question today from a young lady trying to make a good and godly decision about a career change. This is my response to her. Feel free to leave a comment about what has helped you make big decisions.

One of the paradoxes in life is that we get a sense of fulfillment from two polar opposite experiences: stability and variety. Part of us wants the security of sameness. The other part thrives on new experiences. 

I think there are two ways God speaks to us about these big decisions. The first way (and the one I prefer) is clear and direct, so clear and direct that you just know, and you know that if you don't do it you are being disobedient to His will. The second way is cumulative. It is a process. Laying it out on paper, discussing it with your spouse, getting input from wise and godly people, and time alone with God. If the positives outweigh the negatives, if your spouse is good with it, if godly people affirm it as a valid opportunity and don't admonish you away from it, and you still feel unsettled...the final piece is His peace. Is the Spirit of God saying, "Don't do it," or is it that part of you that wants the security of sameness? When I am wrestling with those questions I know it's time to get alone with Him. I need to get settled. I need to make sure I am willing to do what He says; then I ask Him. My prayer would be something like this: "Spirit of God, my Counselor and Teacher, my Comforter and Guide, please silence all other voices and settle my spirit. I need Your peace and direction. Is this new job what is best for my family and best for me?" Then it's time to listen. Be silent and still. Don't leap. Be led. That's all I've got. BTW, this was the way he led us to leave a job I dearly loved and was very comfortable with (being a pastor at MVC). I am still buoyed in the midst of many unknowns, with this peace...He led us here.

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